Invited Talks

Exploring the Explainability Landscape: Testing and Enhancing Explainability Techniques. Chalmers University, January 2024
From Opacity to Clarity: Embracing Transparent and Accountable Fact Verification. MISDOOM, November 2023
Explainable and accountable fact checking. The University of Massachusetts' NLP group, April 2023.
Methods for Accountable and Explainable Complex Reasoning Tasks. Responsible Data Science and AI Speaker Series at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, October 2022.
Panel "When Research Goes Wrong: Deepfakes!". Part of the Legal Tech Research Talks at the University of Copenhagen's Faculty of Law, March 2022. (event)
Explainable and Accountable Automatic Fact Checking. NLP group at Oxford, February 2022.
Explaining automated fact checking predictions and current vulnerabilities of such models, FAIR's AI and Society talk series, September 2021.
Check-worthiness of claims in political debates. Natural Language Processing , and Information Retrieval Workshop invited speaker, RANLP 2017. (proceedings)
Check-worthiness of claims in political debates. Data Science Society meetings, 2017.
Leveraging Expert Data for Computational Fact-Checking. DataBeers Copenhagen, 2019. (event)
Finding the right articles – A Supervised Approach to Search. PyData London 2017. (abstract)