Contact & Collaboration

I am open for collaboration on topics close to my research interests. Please feel free to reach out if you'd like to discuss potential projects or interdisciplinary ideas.

PhD Opportunities

We will have an open PhD position available at the start of December. Stay tuned! I also gladly support applications to the DDSA PhD fellowship, though I recommend starting with a prior collaboration with me to strengthen your application.

Postdoctoral Opportunities

Although I do not have open postdoc positions at this time, I am happy to support prospective postdocs who are interested in applying to fellowships such as the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship (see mobility rules), Villum International Postdoc (requirement for a Danish PhD degree), or DDSA Postdoc fellowship. Please reach out if you'd like to explore opportunities together.

Student Supervision

I am happy to supervise Bachelor and Master students for their thesis projects at the University of Copenhagen. Get in touch if you’re interested in discussing potential thesis topics.

Teching Courses

I am currenly employed at the University of Copenhagen with specific teaching duties dedicated to teaching courses to industry practitioners. If you are a public or a private entity in Denmark that would like to learn more about Machine Learning and Language Models, please, reach out.